
Frequently asked questions

How many days or hours in advance I need to place a booking?

Currently we accept same day booking or up to 2 days in advance

How would I know my approximate trip distance and my approximate bill amount?

Your approximate trip distance & approximate bill amount will be notified to you during your booking process

If I received confirmed booking ID, is there any chance of no show-off of the truck?

We are dedicated to service all confirm bookings in case we are unable to service you due to certain unforeseen conditions you will be notified 30 minutes prior pick up time.

How to cancel a booking?

Currently you would need to raise a cancellation request through web/Phone at least 30 minutes prior pick up time

What are the different modes of payment you support?

Currently we have only single mode of Payment i.e IMPS/Neft

How will I receive the bills?

clklogistics.com will process service bills on request and it will be delivered via E-mail.

Would I get any manpower for loading /unloading & packing service?

All services confirmed through clklogistics.com only includes transportation of goods and for any manpower help you need to co-ordinate with assigned operator/driver.


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Working time

24 X 7

Affordable Price

Starting From:- Rs 7,999.00